Covid 19 Update for Leics Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club.
It has been a few weeks now since I last notified members of the actions/ intentions of your Committee in regards to the current situation around Covid 19 and the impact it has had on our Caravan lives.
As you know we took the decision early on to cancel all activities until the end of June. This has been vindicated by the evolving situation with the pandemic,and in some ways,with the horrors of the disease becoming real,perhaps Caravanning is the least of our worries.
However,I did say that we would keep you informed,so this is our current position.
We are obviously making all decisions in line with Government instructions and advice from The Caravan Club,and it is obvious that we are still some way short of being anywhere near back to normal,and a resumption of Rallying as we know it.
The easiest decision would be to just cancel every Rally and function until the end of the year, but we are also acutely aware that members have been badly affected by the lockdown and any hope of being able to venture out in their vans at some point remains a precious hope.
Presently though,despite an easing of lockdown restrictions,there are still tight rules around Social Distancing and meeting friends/family, and also many amenities are still closed for the foreseeable future.
If this was to continue for any length of time then all Rallies later in the year (Autumn/Winter) would have to be cancelled as no Socials would be allowed.
The most pressing problem is whether the holiday rally in July at Hendra can run.
We have tried not to knee-jerk into an early cancellation as we know how much families look forward to their annual holiday,but with the current 3 phase easing of the lockdown not allowing Caravan sites to open until the 4th July at the earliest it is making it difficult to know exactly what the situation will be when our rally is due to commence the following weekend (11th July)
However,we have had some contact with Hendra and they due to come back to us again by the end of May with their latest assessment,so we are intending to wait until after this contact to make a final decision.
However,it does look as if there will not be a full opening of the site and local amenities even if it is allowed to partially open,and we realise therefore that some Members who are booked on to the Rally will already have decided that it is not worth attending under these circumstances and would wish to cancel their booking.
Can I ask therefore that anyone booked onto the Hendra rally who definitely will not now attend,no matter what decision is taken,that they send an E.Mail to our Treasurer,Martyn Garnham,giving their bank details to him so that he can arrange to refund all monies already paid,back into your account by way of BACS transfer. Please be patient if taking this option as it will take time for him to process these .
This was a non refundable deposit,but in the current situation we think it only fair to reverse this and refunds be given.
For anyone else,still wanting to attend the rally if it is at all possible that it can run in some form or other,we will make a final decision ASAP after further contact with the site,as we are aware that families need to prepare,or amend holiday requests at work if not attending.
As regards other rallies,August onwards,we will notify you once evolving Government rules are known and any advice is updated from The Caravan and Motorhome Club as to whether it is safe to resume our programme.
Kev Taylor and Committee.