Leicestershire Centre Rules
- Bookings: – To guarantee catering at socials and a Rally Plaque an attendance slip including Membership number, must be received by the Rally Marshal not later than the Sunday two weeks prior to the Rally or the date specified. Some rallies i.e. Holidays etc., may require a special booking fee as indicated in the Handbook. Please book as early as possible. If after booking you find you are unable to attend for whatever reason please let the Rally Marshal know. Failure to do so will result in a charge being made to cover any expenses incurred.
In the event of a Rally being cancelled or altered, changes will be announced at ‘Flag,’ or on the Website. Only Members who have booked will personally be notified.
Pre-Paid Cancellations: – On pre-paid events, once full payment has been made no money will be refunded unless a specific expense has not been incurred.
All Deposits are non-refundable.
Weekend Rallies:– The Committee reserve the right to charge a nominal fee incurred plaques etc.
- Centre Rallies: – Are open to all Caravan Club members who may be asked to produce their Membership Card. Failure to do so may result in the member being refused admission.
- Rally Marshal: – The Marshal is in complete control of the rally. All reasonable requests must be complied with, and in turn he will help you all he can. Rally Marshals reserve the right to refuse entry if they consider it is against the interest of good caravanning.
- Siting: – Members must not arrive before the time specified in the Handbook, normally 12 noon, or between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am, and may not remain after a specified closing time without permission from the Marshal. The Marshal has the right to site caravans as they arrive, but at his discretion may allow one pitch to be reserved should a member so request. Pitches cannot be reserved at an “arrive and site” rally. Caravans should be sited with the front offside corner close to the next peg. The towing vehicle should then be parked on the offside of the caravan.
There is a 5 mph speed limit for all motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles on all rally sites. Learner and unlicensed drivers are expressly forbidden.
When caravans are sited in rows, cars and cyclists should proceed along the rows, not weave in and out of the caravans.
- Yellow Pennant: – Members attending rallies do so on the condition that, if it is essential to tow caravans on or off the site using 4 wheel drive vehicles or Tractors, the Yellow Pennant will be displayed from the flagpole or at the entrance, and the movement of all vehicle, including 4x4s, on the site will be prohibited except at the Rally Marshal’s discretion. The member is responsible for hitching and unhitching his caravan to the towing vehicle. We are grateful for the assistance of our four-wheel drive vehicle owners in bad weather. To defray their costs members are requested donate £2.00 to the driver. The Centre, the driver, nor the owner of the towing vehicle can accept any responsibility whatsoever should any damage occur.
- Facilities: – Provision is made at rallies for the supply of drinking water and the emptying of chemical closets only. Members must store and take home all other waste. Toilets must not be washed or filled at the drinking water tap. Please leave our sites free of litter.
- Accidents: – All accidents must be reported to the Marshal. The Leicester Royal Infirmary is the only hospital in Leicestershire with an A&E department.
- Visitors: – All visitors to the rally must report to the Marshal, so that he can tell them of the position of your caravan. This will prevent needless driving around the field.
- General: – Members are expected to observe the Caravan and Country Code published in the Sites Directory, Handbook and Rules Governing Centres.
All members must avoid any noise after 11:30 pm throughout the year. New Year Rallies may be made an exception by the Marshal where Socials are held indoors but members should be quiet when returning to their ’vans.
Children must be under strict parental control at all times, whether on the site or at social events.
Dogs must be kept on a lead not exceeding 10ft on the rally field and not permitted to foul the site. Dog stakes must be sited close to the caravan. While being exercised beyond the rally field they must be kept under control.
Small tents, at the discretion of the Rally Marshal, may be erected for sleeping purposes only alongside a caravan in the space normally taken up by an awning. If a porch awning is used, a small tent may be erected adjacent to it alongside the caravan.
Only the Marshal of a rally may erect a tent in addition to a full awning if such sleeping accommodation is necessary due to the awning being used to fulfil a function of the rally. The position of this tent is to be adjacent to the caravan and such that it does not interfere with access or infringe any safety rules.
Only heating equipment approved and controlled by the Committee may be used at outdoor socials in structures such as Party Tents. No other heat source is brought into any Club event
Social tickets will be allocated in the strict order in which bookings are received. Children 13 years and over are classed as adults for all social purposes.
Under no circumstances should ball games and the flying of kites be allowed near caravans
- Generators: – The use of a quiet leisure generator is limited to between 10.00 am and 12 noon and between 4pm and 7pm for a maximum of 2 hours and for safety reasons the member must be in attendance at all times. To minimise the noise level it must be shielded. If a generator is deemed to be causing a nuisance you will be requested to switch it off immediately. Exceptions are a Rally Marshal requiring a generator for a social or function on the field, or members who need to use a generator for medical purposes.
- Smoking at socials: – All indoor socials will be NON SMOKING to comply with Government legislation. Socials in the Party tents are non-smoking due to fire risks.
- Selection of Rallies: – The date for the rally launch for the following year will be published in the Handbook. At least 2 weeks before this date a provisional rally programme will be displayed at the Rally Secretary’s ’van or on the rally notice board. Any Centre registered full or family member attending or visiting the designated rally in person, may put their name against one rally per family at 10:00 am on the designated day. If unable to attend the rally, you may write to the Rally Secretary stating your preferences, and he/she will add your name to the list after 11:00am. No second rally may be taken until announced by the Rally Secretary at the Rally Forum.
- Insurance: – ALL PERSONS ATTENDING A RALLY OR SOCIAL EVENT DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK; THE ORGANISERS ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONS OR PROPERTY. Full details of The Caravan Club Insurance Policy can be obtained from the Secretary should the need arise.
- Financial Notes: -All rally fees and charges for socials are subject to VAT, at the rate in force at the time of going to press. Any change to the VAT rate will necessitate alterations to the rally fees. Owing to the ever-rising costs, the Committee reserves the right to increase the charges without notice.
- Social Media – Facebook – The Leicestershire Centre Facebook page is designed to promote friendships and shared interests within the Centre, and it is hoped that anybody who has any real grievance will conduct it in a responsible way by private email, phone, or by talking to the person or persons concerned. The Centre’s Facebook page is not an appropriate place to air negative comments.