Thursday saw your Marshals leave for Tenbury Wells in glorious sunshine to start the process of preparing the site for the arrival of our friends and visitors from all over the county.,
Upon arrival at the site, the area had suffered the wettest March for a very long time, so the ground was soft, but we did manage to site ourselves although it was slippery under foot. Out came the Awning and so did the wind and rain but we managed and completed, which was not an easy task, but with extra help from Rick and Sarah, this helped make lite work for everyone.
Friday saw the sun come out and the ralliers arrived to enjoy and explore the beautiful countryside.
There was plenty of tea, coffee and biscuits for everyone and an early night was had,
Saturday, the sun was kind to us all day, but the nights were chilly, so we wrapped up warm in the evening which allowed us to barbeque and share our plans from that day and there were feelie bags which caused a lot of raised eyebrows, and some deep thoughts were had by all.
Many thanks to our past Chairlady Sheila Wills for helping to judge the decorated windows. Our thanks go to everyone who took part. It was a very difficult decision for Sheila and John, so they called in Roy Wills to help them make the right decision. The windows were all beautiful, it was an extremely difficult decision.
Sunday. The sun came out in time for our Easter Egg hunt which the children loved and enjoyed.
There were plenty of lucky finds for everyone and our thanks go to our Easter Bunny helpers,
After the hunt, the Children took a well-deserved break and went back to their caravans along with their home-made kite kits and we agreed to meet up at Noon to see how many were successful and who could fly the highest and longest. What a success. Everyone had made such a good effort it was extremely hard to choose any winner, so it was a sweet treat for those little ones taking part as they were all very good. Later that afternoon, while the sun was still shinning, the Egg and spoon challenge got underway,
It was a family challenge and thank you to everyone for taking part, we had lots of laughter, and we are sure there was cheating going on. But it’s the taking part that counts.
Tea and coffee with buttered hot cross buns followed a very busy afternoon, it was well deserved and enjoyed. Martyn commenced with flag, which saw Anne Nott receive her site finders’ plaque,
thank you to Anne for finding this beautiful site. We had two Birthdays, Happy Birthday to you both.
We all hope you enjoyed your special days. Play your cards right followed which we hope you all enjoyed. I am sure you will all agree, we had plenty of tickets on hand.
Monday came along with the rain, but everyone managed to leave site, some of us needed help from the site who were only too willing to assist. They love us all being around and enjoying
watching the children flying their kites, Orchard Park sends they’re thanks to everyone for protecting the field and they are looking forward to us all returning at some later date. It had been their first rally for nearly three years, and they so enjoyed us being around.
John, Jenny, Richard and Sarahur