AGM 2024 Details

Notice is hereby given that the 59th Annual General Meeting of The Leicestershire Centre of The Caravan Club will be held at Copt Oak Village Hall on Sunday 6th October 2024 at 10.30am prompt.
Nominations for Executive Officer or Committee signed by the nominee, proposer and seconder must be received in writing by the Centre Secretary no later than Sunday 22nd September 2024 by 12 noon. Incomplete or late nominations cannot be accepted.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from the Centre Website or obtained from the Centre Secretary.
Formal notices of a constitutional nature affecting all members of the centre duly signed by the proposer and seconder must be received in writing by the Centre Secretary not later than Sunday 25th August 2024 by 12 noon.
Only full, joint or family members of the Leicestershire Centre, who have submitted the necessary centre registration details on the appropriate form to Club Headquarters at least 35 days prior to the meeting are entitled to speak or vote at the meeting or be eligible for election to executive office or committee at such meeting, although the constitutions does not forbid the admission of wives, husbands, partners and other persons of member’s families. Voting papers will only be issued upon production of a current Membership Card, which corresponds to the centre record card held by the Centre Secretary. Proxy and postal voting is not allowed.
- Notice convening the Annual General Meeting.
- Chairmans opening remarks.
- Apologies for absence.
- To read and approve the Minutes of the previous AGM.
- Matters Arising.
- Officers Reports.
- Elections.
- a) Chairman
- b) Vice-Chairman
- c) Secretary
- d) Treasurer
- e) Rally Secretary
- f) Seven members of the Committee
- g) Appointment of Auditors
- Date, time and place of the 2025 Annual General Meeting.
- Motions.
- Any other business.
- Presentations.
Please Note: – the above is the only notice of the Annual General Meeting to be circulated.
Heidi Cadwallader – Secretary, Leicestershire Centre