The Caravan & Motorhome Club, Leicestershire Centre
55th Annual General Meeting
The Centre AGM this year will be taking place at the Copt Oak Rally inside the Memorial Hall.
Face coverings may be worn if preferred.
Nomination Forms can be downloaded from the Centre Website. The cut-off date for Nominations remains noon on 19th September, as published in the current Handbook.
Formal notices of a constitutional nature affecting all members of the Centre duly signed by the Proposer and Seconder must be received in writing by the Centre Secretary not later than noon on Sunday 30th August 2021.
Only Full (Lead), Joint, Life or Family members of the Leicestershire Centre, who have submitted the necessary Centre registration details by the appropriate method to Club Headquarters at least 35 days prior to the meeting are entitled to speak or vote at the meeting, or be eligible for election to executive office or committee at such meeting. Voting rights will only be granted upon production of a current Membership Card, which corresponds to the centre record held by the Centre Secretary. Proxy and postal voting is not allowed
Any voting will be by a ‘show of hands’, minimising any physical contact.
Andy Haigh
Secretary of the Leicestershire Centre